

Free Birthday Cakes and Ice Cream
Free birthday cakes and ice cream are provided for low-income families with children, seniors, homeless people and the working poor.
Free Pet Food
St. John’s Food for the Poor Program food pantry provides food for hungry pets.

Low income people have a difficult time getting enough money to feed their pets. Those individuals experiencing unemployment are trying desperately to hold on to their pets without putting them in shelters. Unfortunately, many pet owners will sooner sacrifice themselves than their animals.

In many cases, the pet owners are seniors or disabled people who would be alone if not for their animal’s companionship. For the poor living alone, sometimes they have tough choices whether to purchase heating oil, cat or dog food, or put gas in the car if they are lucky enough to have one.

The food pantry accepts all cat food and dog food donations.
Toiletries for the Poor and Homeless
Through your donations, we provide the poor and the homeless with desperately-needed items such as:
• Shampoo
• Deodorant 
• Lotion
• Toothpaste 
• Toothbrush.
• Shaving Cream
• Disposable Razors 
• Tampons
• Chapstick
Mobile Food Pantry
St. John’s Food for the Poor Program has a small fleet of two donated vans that are the workhorses for the programs. Our dedicated volunteer van drivers pick up bulk food donations from supermarkets and specialty stores, and fresh fruits, vegetables and food donations from major food drive contributors.

St. John’s Food for the Poor Program shares its food pantry abundance with Friendly House and other organizations that need additional food.
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