Helping feed the hungry...
This is the place where we are able to express our deepest gratitude to the many individuals, families, organizations, schools, companies and corporations that support St. John’s Food for the Poor Program, making it possible for us to pursue our mission.
Food Network
We appreciate our food network partners anew every day. Their compassionate gifts give St. John’s Food for the Poor Program day-to-day and month-to-month stability that the hungry of Worcester area depend on. The bountiful food donations and unsparing funding of our Food Network friends are the keystones of our programs.
Celebrity Friends
Thank you to all the entertainers and sports celebrities who help us raise money and volunteer in our soup kitchen.

Program Partners
Our program partners’ support is the foundation to the wide range of services that we offer.

Wall of Honor
Visit our Wall of Honor! We give our heartfelt thanks to all who contribute $1,000 or more to make our Wall of Honor a success.

Community Leaders
Our public officials are an esteemed part of our success. Their day-to-day support provides much-needed public awareness.
Media Partners 
Thanks to our media partners, we are able to share our stories, events, programs and successes with a much wider audience.
We thank all the hard-working people who step forward to volunteer. Every hour is a generous blessing from their hearts.
We are indebted to the generosity of all the supporters for St. John’s Food for the Poor Program! Without the unwavering commitment of their personal time, talents, money and gifts, we would not have the resources to fulfill our mission.
No man, woman, or child should ever be hungry!
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